Kids bedrooms and study spaces can become the fantasy lands your children occupy while being at home. Interior design is an amazing way of creating spaces that support your kids’ development and encourage their imagination to soar.
Some kids just love the Star Wars universe and their rooms reflect their passion for George Lucas’ imaginary universe. Today we’re exploring 5 ifferent kids bedrooms and study spaces where Star Wars memorabilia clearly hints to a love for sci-fi without allowing it to overwhelm the overall design.
Black & Yellow Bedroom and Study Spaces for Teens
Starting with this modern kids bedroom in black and yellow, we step into the world of contemporary interior design that borrows from the cinematographic arts the freedom to fantasize. A storm trooper helmet was put on display on the long study desk as if it’s easier to start studying when you hold the power of imagination in the back of your mind as well as in front of your eyes.

Star Wars Decor Contours Child Bedroom and Study
Our second example of how to add Star Wars hints into a kids bedroom comes from ONI Architects. One of the walls in the room displays a huge sketched-out Star Wars AT-ST walker sticker that brings a modern take on this classic fantasy movie. Some more memorabilia is displayed on the shelves closed to the study desk, completing the scene. See more photos of this kids bedroom here.

Fresh Industrial Style Kids Bed and Study Rooms
Star Wars inspiration is also present in these next two kids bedrooms. Designed by Tima Vishnyakov, both rooms deploy the power of imagination with the presence of a Stars Wars poster in one room and an imperial walker toy in the other room. Here are all the photos we have of this space.

Two kids rooms with desks for “home office” play
Even smaller children can enjoy the freedom of sci-fi fantasies. One of these two kids bedrooms – the one occupied by the boy – flaunts Star Wars memorabilia in the shape of toys and artwork. This sci-fi universe can be displayed in many ways as long as you find a true connection to this decor style. See more photos of this children’s room under a slanted ceiling right here.

Home office design flaunting Star Wars hints
Moving on to this beautifully modern home office setup, we see the influence of the Empire in the shape of a storm trooper helmet. Nothing else around visually connects to the Star Wars universe and yet the whole home office seems infused with a “dare to dream” vibe. Russian design studio Logovo imagined this softly colored home ofice room and you can see more photos right here.

Just because children love the Star Wars universe doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy it in a grown-up form. This is why we’re showing you one more way of using the force in your interior design even when you’re all grown up.
Custom Office: Star Wars Desk and Chair Set
This custom office made out of a desk and chair was custom made by the designers at Regal Robot for a client’s studio. Inspired by Vader’s iconic meditation chamber in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, this custom Star Wars furniture project proves we never grow old unless we use our eyes.