Simplicity is key to designing a Japandi home office workspace. And since de-cluttering is the first step in any home office renovation, you might already find yourself on the pathway to creating a Japandi workspace in your own home without even knowing.
There are 5 main steps to achieving a sense of balance and peace within the environment you work in using Japandi design as a guide:
1.De-clutter your future home office space, as well as your own mind
This Japandi home office by VAE Architecture and Design shows how simple everything seems, and yet all this rests on the basic design principles of minimalism.

“The customers wanted to get an interior that would combine such natural materials as stone, concrete, natural wood. It was necessary to please all family members and their lifestyle and also an economical outlook on life.“
“We offered our customers a mix of modern minimalism with japandi style. The result is a minimalistic interior with simple laconic shapes in pastel colors without any bright accents“, designers explain.
2. Use minimalist principles starting with “less(stuff) is more(space to think)”
Japandi style is a trending way of expressing a minimalist aesthetic while using natural materials to build up an uncluttered, soothing space. But there’s a lot happening behind the design scenes of this seemingly austere space.

Here is a snapshot from behind the design scenes: “Most of the facades are thoughtfully designed with hidden mechanisms, while the facades themselves are closed and functional, as well as practical to get rid of the problem of visual noise.”
“The interior is thought out to the smallest detail, it is rather unusual and contrasted with respect to urban life: the apartment looks like a country house for rest with a technological environment of the 21st century.”
3.Construct with natural, quality materials
Naturally colored materials like wood and the simplicity of design encourages a higher quality lifestyle alltogether. Encouraging the next generation to improve on this can also be sustained by design.

This Soft-Colored Koi-Pond Kids Study in Japandi Style Bedroom is part of the same home and we see how minimalism details were kept throughout, yet the colors are much softer in the kids room. They almost contrast the home office room setup and both convey feelings of serenity and simplicity.
4.Use soothing natural colors
Paitings turned around to face the wall adds a mysterious vibe – are they paintings or future paintings? The back of the painting beautifully integrates into this minimalist WFH design while also breaking the expected sleek textures and design lines. That’s what art is supposed to do – make you think beyond your usual thoughts. Here are 10 Home Workspaces for Artists Who Love Their Craft.
This mind-bending beautiful japandi style would be amazing to have in your home once you understand the principles behind every choice – from textures and shapes to furniture and light design.

Keeping wooden insertions up to a third of the vertical spaces makes a great visual impact. Reminiscent of Shoji sliding doors, the custom furniture ensures a bespoke environment can be created.

There’s more to say about VAE Architecture and Design’s portfolio, here is a quick look at their home office design style – you might draw deep inspiration from it:
Business Woman’s Home Office Defined by Elegance